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4 results found.

A right angle twist turns a standard downward performance trumpet position into a trumpet, praise to heaven, fanfare. Trumpet solo was part of Christmas Eve candlelight service at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO.
Posted to Live Performances about 3266 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Braced, handheld, available light image of Advent/Christmas decorations at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO. Taken during installation service of newly called senior pastor.
Posted to Architecture about 3266 days ago, 0 comment(s)
Was shooting into another room through an open doorway as the pastor guests gathered for pre-processional prayer. While working in post to bring out the full front portrait using available light, found the silhouette of another made for a more interesting image than my original intent.
I think I may have over processed with cropping, pseudo-HDR process, and light/shadow post work, I see graininess. What do you say?
Posted to Portraits about 3288 days ago, 1 comment(s)
How do you get over a dozen Lutheran pastors to smile on command?
Line them up for a group shot and state, "On the count of 3; say 'MONEY!'" Not perfect but no frowns.
Volunteered at the last minute to document the installation of our newest senior pastor at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO. Almost got caught without enough power to finish service and this group shot.
Major lesson learned, "Take control and organize!" Here needed to put the older and less trim emeritus pastors behind the trimmer and, usually, younger pastors. The closer to 6-pack abs the better!
Can see all faces.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
Posted to Shoot All about 3288 days ago, 0 comment(s)